Tiberian Evolution X10

TiB_eV_X10_fixed.zip screen shot
New in this version:
-added gattlingTank
-fixed various balance issues
-commando now has 3 timed c4 and no remote c4
-gizmo repair gun now has a red dismantle beam as the secondary fire
-Hover MRLS takes place of old MRLS
-added Mobile Ion Cannon(MIC) tank
-new maps: C&C_Tiberium_Canyon and C&C_Stormy_Valley
-destryoable bridges in Tiberium_Canyon
-PT icons for all new tanks
-added Plague Tank
-added health and armour powerup to crate rotation
-in TDM_Basematch you knbow spawn as a random character
Author: CRaZy_iKe
Filename: TiB_eV_X10_fixed.zip  (21.1 MB)
Updated: 15 October 2002 - 19:15

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