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Featured Renegade Mods

Attack of the Visceroids Author: bisen11
Attack of the Visceroids screen shot Drops visceroids on to the NOD airstrip, they follow you around but watch out as they are deadly!
sgtnikki's scorpion mod Author: sgtnikki
sgtnikki's scorpion mod screen shot This mod has new pictures inside the purchase terminals, new characters: prisoner's gdi military police,nod gets the mutant visceroid, hologram kane only vehicles are cham battle car...
Tiberian Evolution X4 Author: CRaZy_iKe
Tiberian Evolution X4 screen shot Note: This was formerly the DaeMoNic MoD but the name has changed. Fixes & Improvements: New units (mostly in the extras menu), air roof fixed, new infantry untis in the extras menu, working helipads & reapair pads, new secondary fire for flame tank, new map (Trenches), added Eqvaliser's Sniper City Maps, can now exit A10, and Nod Bomber, added new rmaps

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