Featured Renegade Mods
Artic War |
Author: Bulldog1448 |
It's in the mid war crisis between Nod and GDI. The Fall has past and it has turned into dark winter. A blizzard has acured and both teams has tried to conquer the other but all failed with the brutal winter. Dr. Mobius has found out that freezing temperatures cause the tiberian to not harm any unit form. So it is you and your teams mission to conquer the enemy to get a lead attack on the next assault. That would be JungleWars. Coming Soon....
Tiberian Evolution X7a |
Author: CRaZy_iKe |
New in this version:
-added kirov bomber(thanks to the CGD mod team for the model)
- added paratroop beacon: they can be found in desert storm & warzone on the barracks/hand of nod or in Tiberium Swamp in front of the barracks/hand of nod
-added desert eagle for super soldiers and GDI commando (thanks to the CGD mod team for the model)
-added Tiberium Swamp map (made by ApacheRSG)
-added PT icons for Heavy Tank, Tesla Tank, and Halftrack
-working conyards in Tiberium Swamp
-and more =]
C&C Country Meadows V1.4 |
Author: Aircraftkiller |
This is a very large map based on a wide open field. With the odd hill here and there. Rekon bike is enabled and so are air vehicles. There is also the odd gun emplacement around.
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