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Zavian's Mobile Turrets Author: (not specified)
Zavian's Mobile Turrets screen shot Zavian created this mod, please read the readme file. Now with this mod, you can take a gun emplacement, turret, rocket emplace ment and many others to the battle field. Yep portable artillery has been done. Safe. You can actually bring an turret out on t
Zero sp Author: (not specified)
Zero sp screen shot This Mod lets u play as Major Colonel, of the US Marines, and the first created SPARTAN Elite. To play as either of them, raise 1500 Credits. Once achieved, get into the Character Selection screen and look down at Havoc/Sakura. Press the arrow once and u should see a new Purchase Terminal Screen of one of
the new units. The only maps u can play on right now are Under, City_Flying, Hourglass, and Field.
Zooglified Nod Vehicles Author: Zoogly
Zooglified Nod Vehicles screen shot Skins for Nod Vehicles

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